
Diy Rubber Band Bracelet Making Kit Instructions

Diy Rubber Band Bracelet Making Kit Instructions

I was excited when my sons told me about these bracelets everyone at school was making, and even more excited to exercise information technology without the loom!

There are several rubber band bracelet designs that can be easily made without using the loom.

At that place are several rubber band bracelet designs that tin exist easily fabricated without using the loom.

Rubber Ring Bracelets: Several Patterns That Don't Require a Loom!

I was excited and intrigued when my sons told me nigh bracelets that "anybody" in their simple school was making.

They are bracelets created by linking together pocket-size, colorful rubber bands, sold nether the make name Rainbow Loom.

While I was prepared to bound for the loom kit, which sells for $16-$18, I soon learned that I might non take to purchase the whole kit. Our nine-year-old cousin said she knew how to make the bracelets without the loom and would be happy to give us a lesson!

Completed chain bracelet

Completed chain bracelet

Do Y'all Actually Have to Buy the Loom?

No, you don't. Information technology's a bit more catchy, merely it's actually fun. I hoped that my kids would take fun making bracelets without the added toll of the loom. And going "loom-complimentary" would mean just a picayune less ataxia in the business firm!

I figured if the process of making the bracelets by hand proved to be likewise difficult, I would be happy to buy the Rainbow Loom. Therefore, I didn't feel like it was risky to purchase the rubber bands without the loom.

All y'all demand are rubber bands!

A simple and beautiful chain bracelet

A simple and beautiful chain bracelet

Every bit she promised, our cousin came over to show us how to link the prophylactic bands together to create a bracelet.

My sons, 9 and six years old, were initially frustrated. I was a little confused myself at start, but I also understood that these kinds of projects often seem difficult until something clicks in your caput and you lot realize that information technology's really very unproblematic.

And that was exactly the case! In one case we figured out the process, we were able to easily put together simple chains, attached at the ends with pocket-size plastic c-clasps that were included with the pack of rubber bands.

Chain bracelet

Chain bracelet

How to Brand a Rubber Band Chain Bracelet

Annotation: In that location'southward a link to a great video below, so if the written instructions are confusing, check out the video!

  1. Slide a segment of a condom band into a c-prune. Ideally, the rubber band should be doubled over (make a effigy-eight and fold it over on itself to create a small circle) and slipped within the c-clip. Let'south call this prophylactic band #1.
  2. Now another rubber band (let'south call it #two) is slipped halfway through rubber band #1. Try not to twist #2. Yous then grab the two sides of #ii and hold them together. #2 is looped through #ane but will easily slip out if y'all let go.
  3. Now, carefully gripping #2, you lot slide the next rubber ring, #3, through the hole created by stretching #two. As you concord #iii and let get of #2, yous'll run into that #two is firmly attached to the bracelet and you lot now need to agree #3 to prevent it from slipping out from #ii.
  4. Concur #3, stretching it out to create an opening, which you and then slide #4 halfway through. Grab the 2 sides of #iv, letting get of #3, and slide #five halfway through #4. Continue this pattern.

This process creates a simple chain. When the bracelet is long enough to fit comfortably around your wrist—not too tightly—then take the last condom band in the line and slip i side of information technology through the other (one loop through the other) and pull it tightly to firmly attach information technology to the previous prophylactic ring. Now slip the last rubber ring'due south loop into the aforementioned c-clip that is holding the start rubber ring.

Roll to Go on

Read More From Feltmagnet


You can choose to not use the c-clips at all and can simply necktie the ends of the bracelets together. It'southward a good idea to knot the ends outset by sliding one loop of the band through the other (as in a higher place) and then tying the ends together.

Meet the following excellent video that clearly shows how to make the aforementioned kind of condom band bracelet that our cousin taught us how to make. Rubber bands are simply looped together to form a chain. Starting information technology is the hardest role; stringing the bands together is a piece of cake!

Video Tutorial for Making Bones Prophylactic Ring Bracelets

A bracelet made with teamwork

A bracelet fabricated with teamwork

Helping Younger Kids

When we were first shown how to make the uncomplicated chain bracelet past hand, both of my sons were overwhelmed at the prospect of doing it themselves. And this is completely understandable, since it does feel like you demand 3 or four hands!

And and then we used iv hands.

My job was to hold the most recently added rubber band in place. I held it securely, making certain it didn't fall out of the bracelet and stretching information technology open so that my son could cull the next color band and slide it through the ane I was holding. Without the stress of trying to concur a rubber band in identify, my sons started to enthusiastically string the rubber bands together, and it took less than 10 minutes to consummate each bracelet.

After working with me to create a couple of bracelets, my older son got the hang of it and started doing them completely on his ain. My younger son still prefers to accept assist, which is fine -- creating the bracelets as a team is a lot of fun!

Rubber Band Bracelets in Different Patterns

Safe Ring Bracelets in Different Patterns

With our commencement lesson, nosotros cranked out several bracelets. Then information technology occurred to me that maybe something more than the basic chain could exist fabricated without using the loom.

Looking on YouTube, I plant two good videos showing other patterns. One is called the fishtail, and the other the dragon scale. (Scroll down to see these videos.)

Once nosotros got the hang of these patterns, my sons and I were able to brand the bracelets without much difficulty.

How to Make a Fishtail Bracelet

This video clearly demonstrates the technique to brand a fishtail bracelet, using two markers every bit a loom.

It's best to employ three colors, at least for your kickoff bracelet, considering information technology makes the blueprint very easy to follow.

What to Do with Safe Band Bracelets

  • Make them to vesture
  • Trade them with friends
  • Give as cheap, homemade gifts
  • Sell to heighten money for charity

How to Make a Dragon Scale Bracelet

As with the other patterns, once you go the hang of information technology, it's extremely simple!

Make sure to give a tug on the bracelet equally you lot add to information technology in order to keep the stitches tight and in the right place.

More Avant-garde Designs

The post-obit are all intriguing designs that can be made without using a safe band loom.

While I like all of these designs and enjoyed watching the videos, these techniques are across my sons' patience level, then we take non done them ourselves.

Most of these techniques use two forks, secured back-to-back, as the loom!


The artist does a corking chore of explaining each pace.

This really helps me to sympathise the procedure much amend than the videos that take but music on the sound rails.

Double Cross Spiral Twist

I dearest this screw design!

The video has only music in the background. Since in that location's no narrative description of the steps, y'all have to picket carefully to come across what'southward going on.


The Starburst is a compelling and complex design.

I was surprised to see this could exist done without a loom!

© 2013 Valerie Flower

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make these bracelets!

mady on March 16, 2020:

hi valerie- they where thrilled thank you and then much for all the aid on how to make them :))))

Valerie Blossom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on March 16, 2020:

Howdy Mady – I'm so excited to hear that! I bet your friends were thrilled you made bracelets for them!

mady on March 15, 2020:

so i made the starburst i and let me tell yall it turn out so neat all my friends at schoolhouse and my vanquish even wanted 1, i made it super special, and i gave them for free, give thanks yall and then much for the assist on all these, keep on making them, pleaseee, we all love them, take a wonderful day, byeeeee :)))))))))

Micah on January 02, 2020:

I just made some!!!

Maya on May 25, 2019:

I love rubber band bracelets thanks!!!!!

Kamora on May 21, 2019:

That is graet

Areseli on January 05, 2019:

I like making bracelets and am making one as a souvenir

Anya Yang on April 04, 2018:

Amazing! The fork idea is clever!

Anoushka jha on November 27, 2017:

Wow - astonishing - listen blowing idea - tried it with my girl and now that is the trick she uses

Jessica on November 08, 2016:

Thanks! This was a very helpful video.

Valerie Flower (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on Dec 24, 2014:

@archana: I am thrilled your daughter is into making bracelets and has found some great patterns here! Thanks!

archana on December 24, 2014:

Oh My God! my daughter is totally involved in making bracelets. she is 8yrs n she learns one pattern a day from ur video n gifts it to her friends. I am very much grateful to u to post a elobarate instructions, Thanks

Valerie Flower (author) from Pennsylvania, U.s. on September 12, 2014:

Sometimes less equipment does make the job easier!

traceh on September 12, 2014:

Thanks for the tips, I can't figure out how to apply the loom anyhow.

Ramona from Arkansas on September 07, 2014:

I have ii Grand daughter's that enjoy making these bracelet'due south. Your folio is very informative. Cheers!

brianluche on Baronial 06, 2014:

wow those are really nice bracelets

Valerie Bloom (writer) from Pennsylvania, Us on August 03, 2014:

@MJ Martin: Thanks! I'm glad yous stopped by!

MJ Martin aka Ruby H Rose from Washington Country on August 03, 2014:

The fork techniques are awesomely easy and fun to do. Lots of great information and slap-up videos. Congrats on LOTD!

Roy from Northern Republic of ireland on Baronial 02, 2014:

I have a sister xiv years my Junior, she is fascinated by these. Great Lens!

Smitty from Arizona on Baronial 01, 2014:

I love your Lens, especially the VIDEO of How to Make a Bones Rubber Ring Bracelet. Cheers...

maijame on July 30, 2014:

Looks easy plenty for my kinders to do. Congrats on being LOTD!

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, United states on July 30, 2014:

@Merrci: Thanks! I'm thrilled with how happy my sons take been putting these together!

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, United states on July thirty, 2014:

@Dressage Husband: Thank you! I've seen LOTS of boys making and wearing these bracelets. The bracelets don't appear to carry as big a "sissy" factor as you might wait!

Stephen J Parkin from Pine Grove, Nova Scotia, Canada on July 30, 2014:

I first saw these on a lens about using the loom, this technique will entreatment to many of the boys who may think it is a chip sissy, but find doing it without more than "manly"! Information technology definitely will be a godsend to unmarried parents where greenbacks is tight. Smashing LOTD!

Merry Citarella from Oregon's Southern Coast on July 30, 2014:

Congratulations on Lens of the Day Vegival! They look like and then much fun to brand. With your instructions information technology should be piece of cake to try one. I bet your kids were pleased with the results besides!

essayshub on July 30, 2014:

they are actually beautiful and worth trying...

Valerie Blossom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on July 23, 2014:

@hannybear: Cheers and so much for the compliment. I haven't yet found instructions for these patterns and don't know how to create it myself. But I will proceed the quest for more patterns!

hannybear on July 23, 2014:

Add some more advanced patterns delight. I'd like to larn how to make a starburst and a triple fishtail and your tutorials are always really well written!! :)

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on July 19, 2014:

@ppppppppppppppo: I just read nigh the loom ring wearing apparel! It was absolutely amazing and inspiring!

ppppppppppppppo on July 19, 2014:

Absurd ideas i love loom bands i tin make the loom band


Valerie Bloom (writer) from Pennsylvania, USA on July 10, 2014:

@monkeyball2014: Information technology is actually astonishing how many kinds of designs you lot tin create using the loom. I didn't know about some of the designs y'all mentioned, and they sound really fantastic!

monkeyball2014 on July x, 2014:

great ideas, although i would nevertheless recommend buying a decent loom lath, beware though there are some out there that pause too easily i have had ii already until i purchased the genuine rainbow loom lath and since then i am able to make animals, action heroes, flowers; you proper noun it... all i did to get started was watch footstep by footstep instructions how to make various things on youtube and yous would be surprised what you can actually practise... im 27 and loving it and now im having people ordering them from me and paying me for them :)

anonymous on July 10, 2014:

hi! I know how to make other designs by hand, they look a bit like the starburst bracelet just are not then complicated. And, what'due south best, is that you don't even need the loom!

aamirk321 on July 07, 2014:

wow:) nice lens

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on July 07, 2014:

@bearding: Oh, that's peachy! It's amazing how switching the technique a scrap can re-inspire the creative procedure! I promise they enjoy information technology!

bearding on July 07, 2014:

My daughters are crazy about loom bands, they will definitely be inspired by your lens, thanks for sharing :)

SMW1962 LM on June 29, 2014:

Cracking idea! I can't wait to teach my granddaughter this.

Valerie Flower (author) from Pennsylvania, United states of america on June 28, 2014:

@TerriCarr: HA! :-)

krider on June 28, 2014:

I like that idea for sure sounds peachy to me really it is not that compalicated at all

TerriCarr on June 28, 2014:

Bully activities for kids, of any age :-) I used to love making stuff as a kid. Not so much at present. I probably should find a grown upwardly craft that I find satisfying.

caraann-fraser on June 28, 2014:

cool it is skillful to larn more bracelets

chrins on June 26, 2014:

Cool Lens!

nuxa76 on June 25, 2014:

luv it

Scindhia from Chennai on June 24, 2014:

This is beautiful. Nice lens!

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on June 23, 2014:

@monika64: You're absolutely right! We made unlike styles of "friendship bracelets" and other ornaments back in the day. A new twist on an old tradition!

Monique Flora on June 23, 2014:

I remember when I was in schoolhouse nosotros were making similar bracelets, some things never change I approximate :)

someperson on June 23, 2014:

Information technology's a rage here in Australia to.

thanks your lens are and so cool

Surreymagic on June 13, 2014:

Excellent lens- I always wondered how information technology would be possible to brand those bracelets without using the loom because i used to brand friendship bracelets by hand.

loomerlover on June 12, 2014:


Valerie Blossom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on June xi, 2014:

@nicenet: These are fun and easy patterns. Only sometimes it's feels disruptive when you're just getting started. If you stick with it, information technology'll all click in non too long!

nicey on June 11, 2014:

I can't wait to effort it. . I watched the video, looks like shooting fish in a barrel. I hope it's easy when I try it.

Great ideas and thanks

Valerie Flower (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on May 30, 2014:

@StrongMay: Wow! That is so cool!!!!

StrongMay on May 30, 2014:

They are all the rage where I live, too. My cousin is in elementary school, and she also has a rainbow loom. She had a number of other looms as well, simply says the rainbow loom is the best. She couldn't wait to teach/evidence me how to utilize it, and made me a ane-eyed minion from the despicable me film.

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on May 26, 2014:

@BestRatedStuff: Thanks! It is a lot of fun, and I'm sure you and your kids will enjoy it!

BestRatedStuff on May 26, 2014:

This looks like fun to exercise. Enjoyed going through your lens, hope to get to practice some of these with my kids before long.

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, Us on May 24, 2014:

@RoadMonkey: It actually is! I like being able to focus on these kinds of projects.

RoadMonkey on May 24, 2014:

Skilful fun and very therapeutic and relaxing.

Robert Connor from Michigan on May 24, 2014:

We like!

Valerie Flower (writer) from Pennsylvania, Us on May 21, 2014:

@Animallover4: WOW!!! That is astonishing!!!! I am truly inspired by your descriptions. Thanks for sharing!

Animallover4 on May 21, 2014:

Im 18yrs sometime and im pretty obsessed with making them. My favorite style is the fishtail one, which I sell :)

The single chain one was so frustrating at outset(because i didnt know how to practice it and i wanted to brand the fishtail one and so badly) but now all i make is the fishtail, inverted fishtail, and one-half-fishtail&half inverted fishtail witch is very easy to make. I also brand more circuitous styles such every bit double fishtail and a ii-way separate colour(such as, one one-half of the bracelet pink and the other one-half green, but it looks like fishtail witch is a huge seller!). I practise all of this without loom(my fingers are pros lol) I've brought 3,200 elastic rubber bands today for $4, and will exist heading to the dollar store to buy more(its and then addicting lol). They besides have glow-in-the-dark ones witch is a huge hit when im selling.

nathjang123 on May 20, 2014:


niamhluvs1d13 on May 19, 2014:

i love this it's so cool!!!! i made one pink and purple and i love it :)

Kimberlee Nelson from Tulsa, Oklahoma on May eighteen, 2014:

My 6 twelvemonth old daughter is obsessed with making these right now lol

Valerie Bloom (writer) from Pennsylvania, The states on May xviii, 2014:

@Evelynwn: Cool! I'1000 definitely fatigued to the fishtail pattern, too!

Evelynwn on May 17, 2014:

That is really cool. Definitely going to try it. Thank you a lot. I like the fishtail one the best myself. ^_^

Valerie Flower (author) from Pennsylvania, Us on May xiv, 2014:

@Keith J Winter: Ah, the neat instance of the missing forks! At to the lowest degree they are going to a proficient cause!

sirteacup on May xiv, 2014:

This looks like so much fun! Hmmm I don't have kids so I'm going in solo on this haha, gotta get my 'fishtail pattern' on!

Keith Winter from Spain on May 14, 2014:

Thanks for a great lens. My young daughter spends a lot of her free time making these bracelets. Information technology'south all of a sudden become all the rage here in Spain. I'm not sure how many forks accept disappeared from the cutlery draw :-) I will pass this lens on to her.

Nurse32 on May eleven, 2014:

I beloved making loom bracelets so I'one thousand glad this is something popular :3

Xxowldusk on May eleven, 2014:

I accept do the dragon calibration for the life of me

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, USA on May 06, 2014:

@ShadowSphereOT: Peachy idea!

Gabriel from U.S. on May 06, 2014:

Slap-up lens. Some other Alternative is to putt 2 screws (or equally many every bit you lot demand) in a spare lath and do the aforementioned equally you would a regular loom.

Valerie Blossom (writer) from Pennsylvania, USA on May 06, 2014:

@queenofduvetcover: Crawly!

queenofduvetcover on May 06, 2014:

My girl is going to love this lens! She is really into making bracelets.

leparadissecret on May 02, 2014:


Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, Us on April 30, 2014:

@meloyelo: Thanks!

meloyelo on Apr 30, 2014:

Love the alternatives to the loom, so creative!

Valerie Bloom (writer) from Pennsylvania, Usa on Apr 28, 2014:

@Sage_Canton: I'd be interested in knowing how she likes making the bracelets without the loom. We've never even used the loom, and I'm wondering what the feel is like going from loom to loomless!

Sage_Canton on Apr 27, 2014:

My daughter is rainbow loom obsessed, lol. I'll evidence her this lens :)

Marking from Italy on April 27, 2014:

loving tutorial :) tank you for sharing!

WikiDZ on April 22, 2014:

Keen lens, my kids will savor this!

katiesnow on April 21, 2014:

cracking fun for kids and teens alike!

webindex lm on Apr 21, 2014:

I really enjoyed reading about Rubber Band Bracelets. Thank you for sharing :)

TheHonestWebGuru on Apr xviii, 2014:

Great lens, I always love to save coin:)

Stanley Greenish from Czechia on Apr 17, 2014:

Lovely lens! I remeber that nosotros used to make similar bracelets when I was a child. Thumbs up!

snowy12 on April 11, 2014:

Very creative. Nice lens. :)

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, Us on March 28, 2014:

@Scottf13: Awesome! You lot're all set for fun with stuff that's just been taking upwardly infinite in your firm! Have fun!

Scottf13 on March 28, 2014:

I never even thought of creating bracelets like this! I take had gilded and silver wire on the encephalon simply I take so many rubber bands just lying around!

Zienna1 on March 17, 2014:

I recollect my children should be the one reading these. My son was the same. Came home asking me to purchase him a looming kit because his friend got i and their making bracelets. And then I bought a few and the girls ended upwardly making it. I bookmark it instead so I can go dorsum to information technology later. Thank you for sharing.

sha-ron on March 06, 2014:

Not bad ideas of something to keep the kids entertained at minimal cost at the same time

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, United states on February 28, 2014:

@flycatcherrr: Yeah! The fishtail design really defenseless my middle, and I similar the issue, as well!

flycatcherrr on Feb 28, 2014:

I can but about manage a simple chain. Next up, learn that fishtail pattern. I like the chevron effect.

sociopath-free on February 22, 2014:

I know several teen girls who love these. Very popular!

Halloween Cosplay on Feb 18, 2014:

So cool! I just saw a kid playing with a rainbow loom the other solar day. It looks like a lot of fun - reminds me of lanyards a scrap.

Valerie Bloom (author) from Pennsylvania, United states of america on February 16, 2014:

@Ethan Cresdee: I'm delighted to hear it!

Ethan from London on February 16, 2014:

This turned out to exist actually fun :D

Judy Filarecki from SW Arizona and Northern New York on February 10, 2014:

My yard girl is having a lot of fun with these. I'll take to share this with her.

Ilona East from Ohio on February 06, 2014:

Such a beautiful thought. I think the kits would make a keen altogether gift for a grandchild.

Jess Martell on Jan 23, 2014:

Very absurd! I've only been learning about these within the last few weeks and I call back they're pretty crawly. The younger girls and guys that I babysit dearest them :)

Valerie Blossom (author) from Pennsylvania, United states of america on January 17, 2014:

@Margaret Schindel: Thanks! I'grand glad you lot enjoyed it!

Diy Rubber Band Bracelet Making Kit Instructions

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